List of Famous people born in Aleppo Governorate, Syria

Avraam Russo

First Name Avraam
Born on July 21, 1969 (age 55)

Avraam Russo is a Syrian-born Russian pop singer of Armenian origin. In 2006 he suffered an assassination attempt in Russia and was severely injured. He recovered and moved to New York City.

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Sabah Fakhri

First Name Sabah
Last Name Fakhri
Born on May 2, 1933 (age 91)

Sabah Abu Qaws, also known as Sabah Fakhri, is an iconic Syrian tenor singer from Aleppo.

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Nesreen Tafesh

نسرين يوسف محمد طافش
First Name Nesreen
Born on February 15, 1982 (age 42)

Nesreen Tafesh is a Syrian actress and singer of Palestinian and Algerian descent.

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Amin al-Hafiz

First Name Amin
Last Name Al-Hafiz
Born on November 12, 1921
Died on December 17, 2009 (aged 88)

Amin al-Hafiz was a Syrian politician, general, and member of the Ba'ath Party who served as the President of Syria from 27 July 1963 to 23 February 1966.

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Bassam Kousa

First Name Bassam
Last Name Kousa
Born on November 7, 1954 (age 69)

Bassam Kousa is a Syrian film and TV actor. He played many important roles in popular TV series including Bab al-Hara and Old Times. He is also an accomplished film actor.

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Moustapha Akkad

Moustapha Al Akkad
First Name Moustapha
Last Name Akkad
Born on July 1, 1930
Died on November 11, 2005 (aged 75)

Moustapha Al Akkad was a Syrian–American film producer and director, best known for producing the original series of Halloween films and directing The Message and Lion of the Desert. He was killed along with his daughter Rima Al Akkad Monla in the 2005 Amman bombings.

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Alan Kurdi

First Name Alan
Last Name Kurdi
Born on May 4, 2012
Died on September 2, 2015 (aged 3)

Alan Kurdi, initially reported as Aylan Kurdi, was a three-year-old Syrian boy of Kurdish ethnic background whose image made global headlines after he drowned on 2 September 2015 in the Mediterranean Sea along with his mother and brother. Alan and his family were Syrian refugees trying to reach Europe amid the European refugee crisis. Photographs of his body were taken by Turkish journalist Nilüfer Demir and quickly went viral, prompting international responses. Since the Kurdi family had reportedly been trying to reach Canada, his death and the wider refugee crisis became an issue in the 2015 Canadian federal election.

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Louay Kayyali

First Name Louay
Born on January 20, 1934
Died on January 26, 1978 (aged 44)

Louay Kayali, was a Syrian modern artist.

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Mohammed Rafeh

First Name Mohammed
Last Name Rafeh
Born on March 9, 1982
Died on November 2, 2012 (aged 30)

Mohammed Rafeh was a Syrian actor popular around the Arab world. He was notable for his role as Ibrahim in the popular Syrian television series Bab Al-Hara.

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Wael Sharaf

First Name Wael
Born on July 15, 1977 (age 47)

Wael Sharaf is a Syrian actor and director. He is known for playing in the historical drama Bab al-Hara season 1-7, which is shown in months of Ramadan, in which he plays Moataz.

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