List of Famous people who died in 2004

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan
First Name Ronald
Last Name Reagan
Born on February 6, 1911
Died on June 5, 2004 (aged 93)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Ronald Wilson Reagan was an American politician who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989 and became a highly influential voice of modern conservatism. Prior to his presidency, he was a Hollywood actor and union leader before serving as the 33rd governor of California from 1967 to 1975.

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Marlon Brando

Marlon Brando Junior
First Name Marlon
Last Name Brando
Born on April 3, 1924
Died on July 1, 2004 (aged 80)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Marlon Brando Jr. was an American actor and film director with a career spanning 60 years, during which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor twice. He is well-regarded for his cultural influence on 20th-century film. Brando was also an activist for many causes, notably the civil rights movement and various Native American movements. Having studied with Stella Adler in the 1940s, he is credited with being one of the first actors to bring the Stanislavski system of acting and method acting, derived from the Stanislavski system, to mainstream audiences.

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Christopher Reeve

First Name Christopher
Last Name Reeve
Born on September 25, 1952
Died on October 10, 2004 (aged 52)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Christopher D'Olier Reeve was an American actor, director, and activist, best known for playing the main character and title role in the film Superman (1978) and its three sequels.

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Janet Leigh

Jeanette Helen Morrison
First Name Janet
Last Name Leigh
Born on July 6, 1927
Died on October 3, 2004 (aged 77)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Janet Leigh was an American actress, singer, dancer, and author, whose career spanned over five decades. Raised in Stockton, California by working-class parents, Leigh was discovered at 18 by actress Norma Shearer, who helped her secure a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Leigh had her first formal foray into acting, appearing in radio programs before making her film debut in the drama The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947).

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Ol' Dirty Bastard

Russell Tyrone Jones
First Name Ol'
Born on November 15, 1968
Died on November 13, 2004 (aged 35)

Russell Tyrone Jones, better known by his stage name Ol' Dirty Bastard, was an American rapper and producer. He was one of the founding members of the Wu-Tang Clan, a rap group primarily from Staten Island, New York City, which rose to mainstream prominence with its 1993 debut album Enter the Wu-Tang .

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Pat Tillman

First Name Pat
Last Name Tillman
Born on November 6, 1976
Died on April 22, 2004 (aged 27)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr. was an American professional football player in the National Football League (NFL) who left his sports career and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. His service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and subsequent death, were the subject of national attention when he was killed in action as a result of friendly fire.

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Dimebag Darrell

First Name Dimebag
Born on August 20, 1966
Died on December 8, 2004 (aged 38)

Darrell Lance Abbott, best known by his stage name Dimebag Darrell, was an American musician and songwriter. He was the guitarist of the heavy metal bands Pantera and Damageplan, both of which he co-founded alongside his brother Vinnie Paul.

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Ray Charles

First Name Ray
Last Name Charles
Died on June 10, 2004 (aged 34)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Ray Charles Robinson was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, and composer. Among friends and fellow musicians he preferred being called "Brother Ray." He was often referred to as "The Genius." Charles was blinded during childhood due to glaucoma.

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Koose Muniswamy Veerappan
Born on January 18, 1952
Died on October 18, 2004 (aged 52)
Born in India

Koose Munisamy Veerappan was an Indian bandit who was active for 36 years, and who kidnapped major politicians for ransom. He was charged with sandalwood smuggling and poaching of elephants in the scrub lands and forests in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.

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Bobbie Jo Stinnett

First Name Bobbie
Born on December 4, 1981
Died on December 16, 2004 (aged 23)

Bobbie Jo Stinnett was a pregnant 23-year-old American woman found murdered in her home in Skidmore, Missouri. The perpetrator, Lisa Marie Montgomery, then aged 36, strangled Stinnett and cut Stinnett's unborn child, eight months into gestation, from her womb. The baby was safely recovered by authorities and returned to the father.

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