List of Famous people born in Zadar, Croatia

Luka Modrić

First Name Luka
Last Name Modrić
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Luka Modrić is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Spanish club Real Madrid and captains the Croatia national team. He plays mainly as a central midfielder, but can also play as an attacking midfielder or as a defensive midfielder, usually deployed as a deep-lying playmaker. He is widely regarded as one of the best midfielders of his generation, and the greatest Croatian footballer of all-time.

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Danijel Subašić

First Name Danijel
Born on October 27, 1984 (age 39)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Danijel Subašić is a Croatian footballer who last played as a goalkeeper for AS Monaco FC.

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Georg von Trapp

First Name Georg
Last Name Trapp
Born on April 4, 1880
Died on May 30, 1947 (aged 67)

Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp was an Austro-Hungarian naval officer who later acquired U.S. citizenship and the patriarch of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the musical play and movie The Sound of Music. His naval exploits during World War I earned him numerous decorations, including the Military Order of Maria Theresa. Under his command, the submarines SM U-5 and SM U-14 sank 13 Allied ships totaling about 45,669 gross register tons (GRT).

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Šime Vrsaljko

First Name Šime
Last Name Vrsaljko
Born on January 10, 1992 (age 32)
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Šime Vrsaljko is a Croatian professional footballer who plays as a right back for Spanish club Atlético Madrid and the Croatian national team. He made his debut for Croatia in 2011 and went on to represent his country in the UEFA Euro 2012 and 2016 and the 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cups.

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Bernarda Pera

First Name Bernarda
Born on December 3, 1994 (age 29)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Bernarda Pera is a Croatian-born American tennis player.

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Hrvoje Ćustić

First Name Hrvoje
Born on October 21, 1983
Died on April 3, 2008 (aged 24)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Hrvoje Ćustić was a Croatian footballer who played as a midfielder.

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Joanna II of Naples

First Name Joanna
Born on June 25, 1373
Died on February 2, 1435 (aged 61)

Joanna II was Queen of Naples from 1414 to her death, upon which the Capetian House of Anjou became extinct. As a mere formality, she used the title of Queen of Jerusalem, Sicily, and Hungary.

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Felix Weingartner

First Name Felix
Last Name Weingartner
Born on June 2, 1863
Died on May 7, 1942 (aged 78)

Paul Felix Weingartner, Edler von Münzberg was an Austrian conductor, composer and pianist.

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Tullio Carminati

First Name Tullio
Last Name Carminati
Born on September 21, 1894
Died on February 26, 1971 (aged 76)

Tullio Carminati, Count Tullio Caminati de Brambilla, was an Italian actor noted for roles in The Cardinal, One Night of Love, Music in the Air and El Cid. He also appeared in the movie Roman Holiday.

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Božidar Kalmeta

First Name Božidar
Born on January 15, 1958 (age 66)

Božidar Kalmeta is a Croatian politician and member of the centre-right Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party. From 2003 to 2011 he served in the Croatian Government as Croatia's Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure under HDZ prime ministers Ivo Sanader and Jadranka Kosor. Kalmeta is of partial Albanian origin.

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