List of Famous people born in Rahway, United States of America

Lisa Spoonauer

Lisa Ann Spoonauer
First Name Lisa
Last Name Spoonauer
Born on December 6, 1972
Died on May 20, 2017 (aged 44)

Lisa Ann Spoonauer was an American former character actress best known for the role of Caitlin Bree in Clerks, which she reprised for an episode in Clerks: The Animated Series.

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Kurt Sutter

First Name Kurt
Last Name Sutter
Born on May 5, 1960 (age 64)

Kurt Leon Sutter is an American screenwriter, director, producer, and actor. He worked as a producer, writer, and director on The Shield, and appeared on the show as hitman Margos Dezerian. Sutter is also the creator of Sons of Anarchy on FX; he wrote, produced, and directed the series, as well as played incarcerated club member Otto Delaney. Sutter spent time with members of an outlaw motorcycle club in Northern California as research for Sons of Anarchy. Sutter's wife, actress Katey Sagal, was the show's lead actress.

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Emmanuel Yarborough

First Name Emmanuel
Last Name Yarborough
Born on September 5, 1964
Died on December 21, 2015 (aged 51)

Emmanuel Yarbrough was an American martial artist, professional wrestler, football player and actor. He was particularly known by his career in amateur sumo, holding the Guinness World Record for the heaviest living athlete.

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Shanice Williams

First Name Shanice
Born on July 9, 1996 (age 28)

Shanice Williams is an American actress and singer best known for her performance as Dorothy in the televised live performance of NBC's The Wiz Live! in December 2015.

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Peter Boettke

First Name Peter
Last Name Boettke
Born on January 3, 1960 (age 64)

Peter Joseph Boettke is an American economist of the Austrian School. He is currently a professor of economics and philosophy at George Mason University; the BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism, vice president for research, and director of the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at GMU.

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Paul Le Mat

First Name Paul
Last Name Mat

Paul Le Mat is an American actor. He first came to prominence with his role in American Graffiti (1973); his performance was met with critical acclaim and earned him the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year - Actor.

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Walter Seuffert

First Name Walter
Last Name Seuffert
Born on February 4, 1907
Died on December 28, 1989 (aged 82)
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Vinnie Fiorello

First Name Vinnie
Born on June 24, 1974 (age 50)

Vincent "Vinnie" Fiorello is an American rock musician and businessman. He co-founded the ska punk band Less Than Jake in 1992, and was the band's drummer and lyricist until 2018. He also founded the record labels Fueled by Ramen, Sleep It Off Records, and Paper + Plastick, in addition to several local businesses in Gainesville, Florida.

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Dory Previn

First Name Dory
Last Name Previn
Born on October 22, 1925
Died on February 14, 2012 (aged 86)

Dorothy "Dory" Veronica Previn was an American lyricist, singer-songwriter and poet.

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Richard Tuttle

First Name Richard
Last Name Tuttle

Richard Dean Tuttle is an American postminimalist artist known for his small, casual, subtle, intimate works. His art makes use of scale and line. His works span a range of media, from sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, and artist’s books to installation and furniture. He lives and works in New York City, Abiquiú, New Mexico, and Mount Desert, Maine.

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