List of Famous people born in North Karelia, Finland

Tarja Turunen

Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen
First Name Tarja
Born on August 17, 1977 (age 47)

Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen-Cabuli, known professionally as Tarja Turunen or simply Tarja, is a Finnish heavy metal singer-songwriter. She is a soprano with a three octave range.

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Hannu Mikkola

Hannu Olavi Mikkola
First Name Hannu
Born on May 24, 1942
Died on February 26, 2021 (aged 78)

Hannu Olavi Mikkola was a Finnish world champion rally driver. He was a seven-time winner of the 1000 Lakes Rally in Finland and won the RAC Rally in Great Britain four times.

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Ilkka Laitinen

Ilkka Pertti Juhani Laitinen
First Name Ilkka
Born on August 22, 1962
Died on September 29, 2019 (aged 57)

Ilkka Pertti Juhani Laitinen was a Finnish military officer, who served as the lieutenant general and the Chief of the Finnish Border Guard from 2018 to 2019. He was the first Executive Director of Frontex, the European Union’s border protection agency, from 2005 until 2014.

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Mari Eder

Mari Laukkanen
First Name Mari
Last Name Eder
Born on November 9, 1987 (age 36)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Mari Eder is a Finnish biathlete and cross-country skier.

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Ari Vatanen

First Name Ari
Last Name Vatanen
Born on April 27, 1952 (age 72)

Ari Pieti Uolevi Vatanen is a Finnish rally driver turned politician and a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 1999 to 2009. Vatanen won the World Rally Championship drivers' title in 1981 and the Paris Dakar Rally four times. Since 2013 Vatanen has been the President of the Estonian Autosport Union.

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Tuomas Holopainen

Tuomas Lauri Johannes Holopainen
First Name Tuomas
Born on December 25, 1976 (age 47)

Tuomas Lauri Johannes Holopainen is a Finnish songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer, best known as the founder, leader, keyboardist and songwriter of symphonic metal band Nightwish. He has also studied jazz and classical styles, but prefers to be influenced by harmonic film music.

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Emppu Vuorinen

First Name Emppu
Born on June 24, 1978 (age 46)

Erno Matti Juhani "Emppu" Vuorinen is a Finnish guitarist, most famous for being a founding member and occasional songwriter of the symphonic metal band Nightwish. He is the oldest of five children, having a twin brother and three younger sisters. He started to play guitar as a private study at the age of 12 and since then has played in various bands including Nightwish, Brother Firetribe, Barilari, Almah, and Altaria.

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Marutei Tsurunen

Martti Turunen
First Name Marutei
Born on April 30, 1940 (age 84)

Marutei Tsurunen is a Finnish-born Japanese politician. He is the first foreign-born Japanese of European origin to serve as a member of the Diet of Japan. He is a member of the Democratic Party of Japan, where he served as Director General of the International Department. He served in the House of Councillors from 2001 to 2013.

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Katri Helena

Katri Helena Koistinen
First Name Katri
Born on August 17, 1945 (age 79)

Katri Helena Kalaoja is a Finnish singer.

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Pekka Juhani Hannikainen

First Name Pekka
Born on December 9, 1854
Died on September 13, 1924 (aged 69)

Pekka Juhani "P. J." Hannikainen was a Finnish composer and the head of the musical branch of the prominent Hannikainen family. His uncle was the writer and journalist Pietari Hannikainen.

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