List of Famous people born in León, Spain

Ricardo Rodríguez Álvarez

First Name Ricardo
Last Name Álvarez
Died on May 8, 1980 (aged 10)
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Fernando Merino Villarino

First Name Fernando
Last Name Villarino
Born on January 1, 1869
Died on July 1, 1929 (aged 60)
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Alfonso of Molina

First Name Alfonso
Last Name Molina
Born on November 30, 1201
Died on January 6, 1272 (aged 70)

Alfonso of León, Lord of Molina was an infante (prince) of León and Castile, the son of King Alfonso IX of León and his second wife Queen Berengaria of Castile. He was the brother of King Ferdinand III of Castile and León, and father of Queen Maria of Molina, wife of King Sancho IV. He became Lord of Molina and Mesa after his first marriage to Mafalda González de Lara, the heiress of those lands.

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José Antonio Alonso

First Name José
Last Name Alonso
Born on March 28, 1960
Died on February 2, 2017 (aged 56)

José Antonio Alonso Suárez was a Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) politician, cabinet minister and judge. He was born in León.

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Urraca of Zamora

First Name Urraca
Last Name Zamora
Died on January 1, 1101

Urraca of Zamora was a Leónese infanta, one of the five children of Ferdinand I the Great, who received the city of Zamora as her inheritance and exercised palatine authority in it. Her story was romanticized in the cantar de gesta called the Cantar de Mio Cid, and Robert Southey's Chronicle of the Cid.

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Carmen Fraga Estévez

First Name Carmen
Last Name Estévez
Born on October 19, 1948 (age 75)

Carmen Fraga Estévez is a Spanish politician of the People's Party, who served as a Member of the European Parliament from 1994 until 2014. She is a member of the Bureau of the European People's Party.

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César Rodríguez Álvarez

First Name César
Last Name Álvarez
Born on June 29, 1920
Died on March 1, 1995 (aged 74)

César Rodríguez Álvarez, sometimes known as just César, was a Spanish football forward and manager.

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Buenaventura Durruti

José Buenaventura Durruti Dumange
First Name Buenaventura
Last Name Durruti
Born on July 14, 1896
Died on November 20, 1936 (aged 40)

José Buenaventura Durruti Dumange was a Spanish insurrectionary, anarcho-syndicalist militant involved with the CNT, FAI and other anarchist organisations during the period leading up to and including the Spanish Civil War. Durruti played an influential role during the Spanish Revolution and is remembered as a hero in the anarchist movement.

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Urraca of León

First Name Urraca
Last Name León
Born on June 24, 1081
Died on March 8, 1126 (aged 44)

Urraca called the Reckless, was Queen of León, Castile, and Galicia from 1109 until her death. She claimed the imperial title as suo jure Empress of All Spain and Empress of All Galicia.

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