List of Famous people born in Las Tunas Province, Cuba

Yordan Álvarez

First Name Yordan
Last Name Álvarez
Born on June 27, 1997 (age 27)

Yordan Ruben Álvarez is a Cuban-born professional baseball designated hitter and outfielder for the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB). He defected from Cuba, then established residence in Haiti in 2016, and signed with the Los Angeles Dodgers as an international free agent in 2016. He made his major league debut on June 9, 2019.

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Ana Alexander

First Name Ana
Last Name Alexander
Born on November 1, 1954 (age 70)

Ana Bella Alexander Lamothe is a retired female athlete from Cuba, who mainly competed in the women's long jump event during her career.

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Henry Urrutia

First Name Henry
Last Name Urrutia
Born on February 13, 1987 (age 38)

Henry Alexander Urrutia Rodríguez is a Cuban professional baseball designated hitter and left fielder for the Saraperos de Saltillo of the Mexican League. He has played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Baltimore Orioles.

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