List of Famous people born in Karlsruhe, Germany

Carl Benz

Karl Benz
First Name Carl
Last Name Benz
Born on November 25, 1844
Died on April 4, 1929 (aged 84)

Carl Friedrich Benz, sometimes also Karl Friedrich Benz, was a German engine designer and automotive engineer. His Benz Patent Motorcar from 1885 is considered the first practical automobile and first car put into series production. He received a patent for the motorcar in 1886.

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Hermann Wilhelm Weil

First Name Hermann
Last Name Weil
Born on September 25, 1876
Died on July 6, 1949 (aged 72)

Hermann Wilhelm Weil, was a baritone singer at the Metropolitan Opera.

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Max Frey

First Name Max
Last Name Frey
Born on April 16, 1874
Died on March 11, 1944 (aged 69)

Max Frey was a German painter and graphic artist associated with the Symbolism and New Objectivity movements. Some of his works contained elements of magical realism

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Karl III Wilhelm of Baden-Durlach

First Name Karl
Last Name Baden-Durlach
Died on May 12, 1738

Charles III William was Margrave of Baden-Durlach between 1709 and 1738. He was the son of Margrave Frederick Magnus of Baden-Durlach and Augusta Maria of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp. In 1715, he established Karlsruhe, where he built his residence. Karlsruhe has since grown to a large city. With the consolidation of public finances and the creation of a reliable administration, he laid the foundations for the reform policies of his grandson, Charles Frederick.

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Margravine Albertine Friederike of Baden-Durlach

First Name Margravine
Born on July 3, 1682
Died on December 22, 1755 (aged 73)

Princess and Margravine Albertina Frederica of Baden-Durlach was a German princess. She was the daughter of Frederick VII, Margrave of Baden-Durlach and his wife Duchess Augusta Marie of Holstein-Gottorp. She married Christian August of Holstein-Gottorp, Prince of Eutin.

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Anna Amalia of Baden-Durlach

First Name Anna
Last Name Baden-Durlach
Born on July 9, 1595
Died on November 18, 1651 (aged 56)

Anna Amalia of Baden-Durlach was a Countess of Nassau-Saarbrücken by marriage to William Louis, Count of Nassau-Saarbrücken, and regent of Nassau-Saarbrücken during the minority of her son from 1640.

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Georg Friedrich of Baden

First Name Georg
Last Name Baden
Born on January 30, 1573
Died on September 24, 1638 (aged 65)

George Frederick of Baden-Durlach was Margrave of Baden-Durlach from 1604 until his abdication in 1622. He also ruled Baden-Baden.

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Christopher of Baden-Durlach

First Name Christopher
Last Name Baden-Durlach
Born on October 9, 1684
Died on May 2, 1723 (aged 38)

Christopher of Baden-Durlach was Prince and (titular) Margrave of Baden-Durlach.

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Frederick VI, Margrave of Baden-Durlach

First Name Frederick
Last Name Baden-Durlach
Born on November 16, 1617
Died on January 10, 1677 (aged 59)

Frederick VI, Margrave of Baden-Durlach was the Margrave of Baden-Durlach from 1659 until his death.

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Johanna Elisabeth of Baden-Durlach

First Name Johanna
Born on October 3, 1680
Died on July 2, 1757 (aged 76)

Johanna Elisabeth of Baden-Durlach, was a Duchess of Württemberg by marriage.

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