List of Famous people born in Bari, Italy

Antonio Cassano

First Name Antonio
Last Name Cassano
Born on July 12, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Italy, Apulia
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Antonio Cassano is an Italian former professional footballer who played as a forward. A talented and technically gifted player, he was usually deployed as a supporting forward, but could also play as an attacking midfielder, winger, or as a striker. Nicknamed Il Gioiello di Bari Vecchia, and Fantantonio, he was known for his short temper as much as his skill and ability on the pitch.

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Lunetta Savino

First Name Lunetta
Born on November 2, 1957 (age 66)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Lunetta Savino is an Italian theater and movie actress, particularly famous for starring in popular TV series. She is best known in her home country for playing Cettina, one of the leading characters on Rai Uno's primetime TV series Un medico in famiglia. In 2010, she starred in Ferzan Özpetek's movie Loose Cannons, which received international acclaim.

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Stefano Felis

First Name Stefano
Last Name Felis
Born on January 20, 1538
Died on September 25, 1603 (aged 65)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Stefano de Maza Gatto also known as Stefano Felis, was a Neapolitan Italian composer of the Renaissance, and the collaborator and probable teacher of composer Pomponio Nenna. He composed madrigals, sacred motets, and choral settings of the Mass.

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Michele Mincuzzi

First Name Michele
Last Name Mincuzzi
Born on June 18, 1913
Died on June 3, 1997 (aged 83)
Born in Italy, Apulia
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Miki Del Prete

Michele Del Prete
First Name Miki
Last Name Prete
Born on July 23, 1935 (age 89)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Miki Del Prete is an Italian lyricist and record producer.

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Nicola Lagioia

First Name Nicola
Last Name Lagioia
Born on January 1, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Nicola Lagioia is an Italian writer.

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Paolo De Vita

First Name Paolo
Last Name Vita
Born on June 29, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Paolo De Vita is an Italian film and television actor.

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Silvio Noto

First Name Silvio
Last Name Noto
Died on November 23, 2000 (aged 30)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Silvio Noto was an Italian TV and radio presenter, actor and voice actor.

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Stefania Montorsi

First Name Stefania
Last Name Montorsi
Born on April 12, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Stefania Montorsi is an Italian director and actress. She appeared in more than ten films since 1988.

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Vanni Bramati

First Name Vanni
Last Name Bramati
Born on February 22, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Italy, Apulia
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