Tom Fletcher

Tom Fletcher
Tom Fletcher

Thomas Michael Fletcher is an English musician, singer, composer, author and YouTube vlogger. He is one of the lead vocalists and rhythm guitarist of English pop rock band McFly, in addition to being the group's founder. He originally auditioned and was accepted into the band Busted before losing out on the place after the record label Island decided the band should be a trio rather than a four-piece. However, he still carried on writing with the band. In his thirteen-year career as a professional songwriter, Fletcher has penned ten UK number one singles and twenty-one top ten singles. He is credited as having written songs for One Direction, Busted, the Vamps and 5 Seconds of Summer.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Thomas Michael Fletcher
Date of Birth
July 17th, 1985
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Star Sign
178 cm | 5'10
Social Networks , Links
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