Shigeru Kasamatsu

Shigeru Kasamatsu
Shigeru Kasamatsu

Shigeru Kasamatsu is a retired Japanese artistic gymnast. He competed at the 1972 Olympics and won a gold medal with the Japanese team. Individually he won a silver on parallel bars and bronze medals on the floor and horizontal bar. Kasamatsu won six world titles in 1974 and 1978. The Kasamatsu vault is named after him. In 2006, he was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame. His wife Kazue Hanyu and son Akihiro Kasamatsu are also retired Olympic gymnasts.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 16th, 1947
Birth Place
Japan, Mie Prefecture
Star Sign
173 cm | 5'8
Social Networks , Links
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