Saitō Takao

Saitō Takao
Saitō Takao

Saitō Takao was a Japanese politician and longtime member of the Imperial Diet from Hyōgo Prefecture. He was a member of the Rikken Minseito party. On February 2, 1940, he made a speech in which he sharply questioned the prosecution and justification of Japan's "holy war" in China. For this, he was expelled from the Diet on March 7, 1940. His speech also led to the creation of the League of Diet Members Believing the Objectives of the Holy War by Fumimaro Konoe. Saitō would be re-elected to the Diet in 1942. After the surrender of Japan in 1945, he was one of the politicians that participated in the Allied Occupation's efforts to democratize Japan.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
September 13rd, 1870
Birth Place
Japan, Hyōgo Prefecture
Date of Death
October 7th, 1949
Died Aged
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