Robert Le Lorrain

Robert Le Lorrain
Robert Le Lorrain

Robert Le Lorrain (1666–1743) was a French baroque sculptor who was born in Paris. He was born into a family of bureaucrats, the son of Claude Le Lorrain, a business agent of Nicolas Fouquet, Louis XIV's Minister of Finance. Le Lorrain was a student of the French sculptor, painter, and architect, Pierre Paul Puget (1620-1694). At age eighteen, Le Lorrain entered François Girardon's studio; aside from collaborating with him, he was commissioned to instruct Girardon's children in drawing and to supervise his other pupils. Le Lorrain won the Prix de Rome in 1689, On his return to Paris he first joined the Académie de Saint-Luc, and then was received into the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in 1701; he became Rector of the Académie in 1737. His major non-royal clients were members of the house of Rohan. His students included Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (1704-1778) and Jean-Baptiste Pigalle (1714-1785). Robert Le Lorrain died in Paris in 1743.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 15th, 1666
Birth Place
France, Île-de-France
Date of Death
June 1st, 1743
Died Aged
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