Moraes Moreira

Moraes Moreira
Moraes Moreira

Antônio Carlos Moreira Pires, better known as Moraes Moreira [mo.ˈɾajs mu.ˈɾej.ɾa], was a Brazilian musician and songwriter. During the 1970s he played guitar and sang in the band Novos Baianos, after which he embarked on a solo career recording 29 albums. Moreira was involved in recording 40 full-length albums with Novos Baianos and Trio Elétrico Dodô e Osmar, and two more albums with guitarist Pepeu Gomes. Moreira was one of the most versatile composers of Brazil, mixing the genres of rock, samba, choro, frevo, baião, and classical.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Antônio Carlos Moreira Pires
Date of Birth
July 8th, 1947
Birth Place
Brazil, Bahia
Date of Death
April 13rd, 2020
Died Aged
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