List of Famous people named Moraes

Similar names: Morris, Moriz, Moris. Here are some famous Moraeses:

Moraes Moreira

Antônio Carlos Moreira Pires
First Name Moraes
Last Name Moreira
Born on July 8, 1947
Died on April 13, 2020 (aged 72)
Born in Brazil, Bahia

Antônio Carlos Moreira Pires, better known as Moraes Moreira [mo.ˈɾajs mu.ˈɾej.ɾa], was a Brazilian musician and songwriter. During the 1970s he played guitar and sang in the band Novos Baianos, after which he embarked on a solo career recording 29 albums. Moreira was involved in recording 40 full-length albums with Novos Baianos and Trio Elétrico Dodô e Osmar, and two more albums with guitarist Pepeu Gomes. Moreira was one of the most versatile composers of Brazil, mixing the genres of rock, samba, choro, frevo, baião, and classical.

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