Marina Ōno

Marina Ōno
Marina Ōno

Hiromi Katayama , known by the stage name Marina Ōno , is a Japanese voice actress. She has also been known as Hiromi Matsumoto (松本裕美) and Hiromi Asō (麻生ひろみ). Some of her major roles in anime are: Faury Carat in Tristia of the Deep Blue Sea, Chiaki Nakahara in Dai-Guard, Aihara in Angel Links and Komoe Harumachi in Eiken. In video games, she voices Aki Nitta in Soul Link, Remit Marlena in Eternal Melody, Ayaka Nanase in First Kiss Story and Uriko in the Bloody Roar series.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 5th, 1972
Birth Place
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