Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell
Kurt Russell

Kurt Vogel Russell is an American actor. He began acting on television at the age of 12 in the western series The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters (1963–1964). In the late 1960s, he signed a ten-year contract with The Walt Disney Company where, according to Robert Osborne, he became the studio's top star of the 1970s.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Kurt Vogel Russell
Date of Birth
March 17th, 1951
Birth Place
United States of America, Massachusetts
Star Sign
176 cm | 5'9
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John Ruth in The Hateful Eight
MacReady in The Thing
Stuntman Mike in Death Proof
Colonel Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neil in Stargate
McCabe in Vanilla Sky
Wyatt Earp in Tombstone
Jimmy Harrell in Deepwater Horizon
Snake Plissken in Escape from New York
Sheriff Hunt in Bone Tomahawk
Lt. Gabriel Cash in Tango & Cash
Robert Ramsey in Poseidon
Steve, The Commander in Sky High
Stephen McCaffrey, Dennis McCaffrey in Backdraft
Snake Plissken in Escape from L.A.
Herb Brooks in Miracle
Jeff Taylor in Breakdown
Santa Claus in The Christmas Chronicles
Dean Proffitt in Overboard
David Grant in Executive Decision
Todd 3465 in Soldier
Michael Zane in 3000 Miles to Graceland
Frescia in Tequila Sunrise
Eldon Perry in Dark Blue
Drew Stephens in Silkwood
Ben Crane in Dreamer
Lucky Lockhart in Swing Shift
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