Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett
Kevin Garnett

Kevin Maurice Garnett is an American former professional basketball player who played for 21 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Known for his intensity, defensive ability, and versatility, Garnett is considered one of the greatest power forwards of all time. He is one of five NBA players to win both the Most Valuable Player and the Defensive Player of the Year awards. In high school, Garnett was a 1995 McDonald's All-American at Farragut Career Academy and won a national player of the year award. He entered the 1995 NBA draft, where he was selected with the fifth overall pick by the Minnesota Timberwolves and became the first NBA player drafted directly out of high school in 20 years.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 19th, 1976
Birth Place
United States of America, South Carolina
Star Sign
211 cm | 6'11
Basketball Player
Social Networks , Links
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