Joseph James DeAngelo

Joseph James DeAngelo
Joseph James DeAngelo

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. is an American serial killer, serial rapist, burglar, and former police officer who committed at least 13 murders, 50 rapes, and 120 burglaries across California between 1973 and 1986. DeAngelo was responsible for at least three crime sprees throughout California, each of which spawned a different nickname in the press, before it became evident that they were committed by the same offender. In the San Joaquin Valley, he was known as the Visalia Ransacker before moving to the Sacramento area, where he became known as the East Area Rapist and was linked by modus operandi to additional attacks in Contra Costa County, Stockton, and Modesto. DeAngelo committed serial murders in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Orange counties, where he was known as the Night Stalker and later the Original Night Stalker. DeAngelo is believed to have taunted and threatened both victims and police in obscene phone calls and possibly written communications.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Joseph James DeAngelo Jr.
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
Star Sign
Serial Killer
Social Networks , Links
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