John Elkann

John Elkann
John Elkann

John Philip Jacob Elkann is an Italian-American industrialist. In 1997, he became the chosen heir of his grandfather Gianni Agnelli, following the death of Gianni's nephew Giovanni Alberto Agnelli and in 2008 became the head of IFIL. He chairs and controls the automaker Stellantis and is the chairman and CEO of Exor, the holding company controlled by the Agnelli family, which also owns PartnerRe and holds a controlling stake in Ferrari, CNH Industrial and Juventus F.C. In July 2018 he was appointed chairman of Ferrari after Sergio Marchionne left due to health issues. In December 2020 Elkann became temporary CEO after the departure of Louis Camilleri.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
John Philip Jacob Elkann
Date of Birth
April 1st, 1976
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
Star Sign
Net Worth
Social Networks , Links
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