James II of Aragon

James II of Aragon
James II of Aragon

James II, called the Just, was the King of Aragon and Valencia and Count of Barcelona from 1291 to 1327. He was also the King of Sicily from 1285 to 1295 and the King of Majorca from 1291 to 1298. From 1297 he was nominally the King of Sardinia and Corsica, but he only acquired the island of Sardinia by conquest in 1324. His full title for the last three decades of his reign was "James, by the grace of God, king of Aragon, Valencia, Sardinia and Corsica, and count of Barcelona".

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 10th, 1267
Birth Place
Spain, Community of Valencia
Date of Death
November 2nd, 1327
Died Aged
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