Elisenda of Montcada

Elisenda of Montcada
Elisenda of Montcada

Elisenda de Montcada was queen consort of Aragon as the fourth and last spouse of James II of Aragon. She served as Regent or "Queen-Lieutenant" of Aragon during the absence of her spouse from 1324 until 1327. She was a daughter of Pere II Ramon de Montcada and Elisenda de Pinos. She and James II founded the Monastery of Pedralbes, a Franciscan convent of the Poor Clares. After James II's death in 1327, Elisenda lived adjacent to the monastery for the remaining 37 years of her life.

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General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1292
Birth Place
Spain, Catalonia
Date of Death
July 9th, 1364
Died Aged
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