Fred MacMurray

Fred MacMurray
Fred MacMurray

Frederick Martin MacMurray was an American actor and singer who appeared in more than 100 films and a successful television series during a career that spanned nearly a half-century, from 1930 to the 1970s.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Frederick Martin MacMurray
Date of Birth
August 30th, 1908
Birth Place
United States of America, Illinois
Date of Death
November 5th, 1991
Died Aged
Star Sign
190 cm | 6'3
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Walter Neff in Double Indemnity
Jeff D. Sheldrake in The Apartment
Lt. Tom Keefer in The Caine Mutiny
Professor Ned Brainard in The Absent-Minded Professor
Wilson Daniels in The Shaggy Dog
Arthur Russell in Alice Adams
Steve Douglas, Fergus Douglas, Fergus McBain Douglas in My Three Sons
Clifford Groves in There's Always Tomorrow
Prof. Ned Brainard in Son of Flubber
Bob MacDonald in The Egg and I
Lemuel Siddons in Follow Me, Boys!
Lieutenant Commander Joe Blake in Dive Bomber
Bill Dunnigan in The Miracle of the Bells
Jim Ryan in No Time for Love
Jim Hawkins in The Texas Rangers
Harry Willard in Bon Voyage!
Thad McCloud in Kisses for My President
Tom Verney in Take a Letter, Darling
Frank in Card-Playing Skit in Star Spangled Rhythm
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