Danny DeVito

Danny DeVito
Danny DeVito

Daniel Michael DeVito Jr. is an American actor, comedian, director, producer, and screenwriter. He gained prominence for his portrayal of the taxi dispatcher Louie De Palma in the television series Taxi (1978–1983), which won him a Golden Globe Award and an Emmy Award. He plays Frank Reynolds on the FX and FXX sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2006–present).

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General Info
Date of Birth
November 17th, 1944
Birth Place
United States of America, New Jersey
Star Sign
147 cm | 4'10
Social Networks , Links
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Directed works
Penguin in Batman Returns
Mr. Wormwood, Narrator in Matilda
George Shapiro in Man on the Moon
Vincent Benedict in Twins
The Lorax in The Lorax
Martin Weir in Get Shorty
Deck Shifflet in The Rainmaker
Max Medici in Dumbo
Vernon Dahlart in Terms of Endearment
Dr. Larry Arbogast in Junior
Gavin D'Amato in The War of the Roses
Al in When in Rome
Burke Bennett in Death to Smoochy
Mickey Bergman in Heist
Sam Stone in Ruthless People
Harvey Wexler in Anything Else
Bobby Ciaro in Hoffa
Bill Rago in Renaissance Man
Buddy Hall in Deck the Halls
Chief Rash in Drowning Mona
Louie De Palma in Taxi
Jimmy Marino in Solitary Man
Lawrence Garfield in Other People's Money
James Berkowitz in The Comedian
Pat Francato in Living Out Loud
John Leary in Jack the Bear
Lazlo in Going Ape!
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