Ashraf Pahlavi

Ashraf Pahlavi
Ashraf Pahlavi

Ashraf ol-Molouk Pahlavi was the twin sister of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran (Persia), and a member of the Pahlavi dynasty. She was considered the "power behind her brother" and was instrumental in the 1953 coup which led to him taking the throne. She served her brother as a palace adviser and was a strong advocate for women's rights. Following the Iranian Revolution in 1979, she lived in exile in France, New York, Paris and Monte Carlo and remained outspoken against the Iranian Islamic Republic.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
October 26th, 1919
Birth Place
Iran, Tehran Province
Date of Death
January 7th, 2016
Died Aged
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