List of Famous people named Xin

Similar names: Ksenia, Xenia, Kseniya, Xena. Here are some famous Xins:

Xin Zhui

First Name Xin
Last Name Zhui
Born on November 30, -0216
Died on November 30, -0164 (aged 52)

Xin Zhui, also known as Lady Dai or Marquise of Dai, was the wife of Li Cang (利蒼), the Marquis of Dai and Chancellor of Changsha Kingdom, during the Western Han dynasty of ancient China. She is notable for her tomb and exceptionally well preserved remains discovered in 1968, alongside hundreds of valuable artifacts and documents, inside a hill known as Mawangdui, in Changsha, Hunan, China. Her body and belongings are currently under the care of the Hunan Museum, which has allowed occasional international exhibits.

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Xin Fengxia

First Name Xin
Last Name Fengxia
Born on January 26, 1927
Died on April 12, 1998 (aged 71)

Xin Fengxia was a Chinese pingju opera performer, known as the "Queen of Pingju". She was also a film actress, writer, and painter. She starred in the highly popular films Liu Qiao'er (1956) and Flowers as Matchmakers (1964), both adapted from her operas.

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Xin Zhilei

First Name Xin
Last Name Zhilei
Born on April 4, 1986 (age 38)

Xin Zhilei is a Chinese actress. She is best known for her roles in films Bunshinsaba 2, Crosscurrent and Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield.

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Xin Liu

First Name Xin
Last Name Liu
Born on April 20, 1997 (age 27)

Liu Yuxin, known in English as XIN Liu, is a Chinese singer, rapper and dancer born in Guizhou Province. She is best known for finishing first in the iQiyi survival reality program Youth with You 2, becoming the centre of girl group THE9. She was also a former member of girl group LadyBees, along with fellow THE9 member Kong Xueer. Liu made her solo debut with the extended play XIN on May 20, 2018.

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Xin Qiji

First Name Xin
Last Name Qiji
Born on May 28, 1140
Died on January 1, 1207 (aged 66)

Xin Qiji was a Chinese poet and military leader during the Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279).

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Xin Xianying

First Name Xin
Last Name Xianying
Born on January 1, 0191
Died on January 1, 0269 (aged 78)

Xin Xianying (191–269) was a Chinese noblewoman, aristocrat and advisor who lived during the Three Kingdoms period. She was the daughter of Xin Pi, an official of the state of Cao Wei. The only extant historical source about her life is her biography written by her maternal grandson, Xiahou Zhan (夏侯湛), who was a notable scholar and official of the Jin dynasty. She is best known for giving advice to her family members and relatives during significant events in the history of Cao Wei such as the Incident at Gaoping Tombs and Zhong Hui's Rebellion.

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Xin Haonian

First Name Xin
Last Name Haonian
Born on November 12, 1947 (age 76)
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