List of Famous people named Wilma

Similar names: Wilm, Wilmo. Here are some famous Wilmas:

Wilma Elles

First Name Wilma
Last Name Elles
Born on October 18, 1986 (age 38)

Wilma Elles is a German actress, model and fashion designer.

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Wilma Rudolph

First Name Wilma
Last Name Rudolph
Born on June 23, 1940
Died on November 12, 1994 (aged 54)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Wilma Glodean Rudolph was an American sprinter born in Saint Bethlehem, Tennessee, who became a world-record-holding Olympic champion and international sports icon in track and field following her successes in the 1956 and 1960 Olympic Games. Rudolph competed in the 200-meter dash and won a bronze medal in the 4 × 100-meter relay at the 1956 Summer Olympics at Melbourne, Australia. She also won three gold medals, in the 100- and 200-meter individual events and the 4 x 100-meter relay at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Italy. Rudolph was acclaimed the fastest woman in the world in the 1960s and became the first American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympic Games.

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Wilma de Faria

First Name Wilma
Last Name Faria
Born on February 17, 1945
Died on June 15, 2017 (aged 72)

Wilma de Faria was a Brazilian politician. She served as the governor of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte from 2003 to 2010, the first woman to hold the position. She is a member of the AVANTE.

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Wilma Mankiller

First Name Wilma
Last Name Mankiller
Born on November 18, 1945
Died on April 6, 2010 (aged 64)

Wilma Pearl Mankiller was an American Cherokee activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

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Wilma Lipp

First Name Wilma
Last Name Lipp
Born on April 26, 1925
Died on January 26, 2019 (aged 93)
Born in Austria

Wilma Lipp was an Austrian operatic soprano and academic voice teacher. A long-time member of the Vienna State Opera, she was particularly associated with the role of the Queen of the Night in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, a role she performed internationally, more than 400 times. She was awarded the title Kammersängerin at age 28, and was an honorary member of the Vienna State Opera, among other honours.

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Wilma Neruda

First Name Wilma
Last Name Neruda
Died on April 15, 1911

Wilhelmine Maria Franziska Neruda (1838–1911), also known as Wilma Norman-Neruda and Lady Hallé, was a Moravian virtuoso violinist, chamber musician, and teacher.

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Wilma Goich

First Name Wilma
Last Name Goich
Born on October 16, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Italy, Liguria

Wilma Goich is an Italian pop singer and television personality.

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Wilma Tisch

First Name Wilma
Last Name Tisch
Born on November 30, 1926 (age 97)
Net Worth $1.4B

Wilma "Billie" Tisch is an American philanthropist and heiress. She is a graduate of Skidmore College and has served on its board as well as pursuing many other philanthropic ventures.

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Wilma Scougall

First Name Wilma
Last Name Scougall
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Wilma Mansveld

First Name Wilma
Last Name Mansveld
Born on September 11, 1962 (age 62)

Wilma Jacqueline Mansveld is a Dutch politician of the Labour Party (PvdA). She served as Undersecretary for Infrastructure and Environment, dealing with water policy, environment and aviation in the Second Rutte cabinet from 5 November 2012 until 28 October 2015. Before that she was a member of the States of Groningen from 2007 to 2011 and afterwards a member of the Provincial-Executive of the same province from 2011 to 2012. Mansveld worked as an accountant for Jaguar Cars Netherlands and was secretary of the Social-Economic Council North Netherlands from 2001 to 2011.

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