List of Famous people named Violette

Similar names: Violet, Violetta, Violeta, Violett. Here are some famous Violettes:

Violette Nozière

Violette Germaine Nozière
First Name Violette
Last Name Nozière
Died on November 26, 1966

Violette Nozière was a French woman who was convicted of murdering her father. The 1978 film of the same name, was based on this case. She accused her father of having sexually abused her, making it one of the first case of incest to appear in the French modern press.

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Violette Szabo

First Name Violette
Last Name Szabo
Born on June 26, 1921
Died on February 5, 1945 (aged 23)

Violette Reine Elizabeth Szabo, GC was a British/French Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent during the Second World War and a posthumous recipient of the George Cross. On her second mission into occupied France, Szabo was captured by the German army, interrogated, tortured and deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany, where she was executed.

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Violette Khairallah

First Name Violette
Last Name Khairallah
Born on September 20, 1981 (age 43)

Violette Safadi is a Lebanese politician, television personality and social activist. She is a former Minister of State for Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth in the cabinet led by H.E. Saad Hariri, Former Prime Minister of the Lebanese Republic.

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Violette Chauveau

First Name Violette
Last Name Chauveau
Born on November 30, 1962 (age 62)
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