List of Famous people named Veronica

Name Veronica is among the most common names in Mexico. Similar names: Veronika, Veronique. Here are some famous Veronicas:

Verónica Forqué

Verónica Forqué Vázquez-Vigo
First Name Verónica
Last Name Forqué
Born on December 1, 1955
Died on December 13, 2021 (aged 66)

Verónica Forqué Vázquez-Vigo is a Spanish actress of stage, film and television who comes from an artistic and theatrical family. Her mother is Carmen Vázquez Vigo and her father was the director José María Forqué. Her brother is director Álvaro Forqué. She was married to Spanish actor Manuel Iborra, by whom she has a daughter, María.

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Veronica Porsche Ali

Veronica Porche
First Name Veronica
Last Name Ali
Born on December 16, 1955 (age 68)

Veronica Porché Ali is an American psychologist and the former wife of boxer Muhammad Ali.

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Veronica Ferres

Veronika Maria Cäcilie Ferres
First Name Veronica
Last Name Ferres
Born on June 10, 1965 (age 59)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Veronica Maria Cäcilia Ferres is a German producer and actress of film, television, and stage. Her 2007 portrayal of Sara Bender in Die Frau vom Checkpoint Charlie, based on the true story of Jutta Fleck, earned her the award for Best Actress at the Deutscher Fernsehpreis.

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Verónica Castro

Verónica Judith Sainz Castro
First Name Verónica
Last Name Castro
Born on October 19, 1952 (age 71)
Born in Mexico

Verónica Castro, full name Verónica Judith Sáinz Castro Alba, is a Mexican actress, singer, producer, former model and presenter. She is the mother of singer Cristian Castro and filmmaker Michel Castro.

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Verónica Montes

First Name Verónica
Last Name Montes
Born on February 17, 1990 (age 34)

Verónica Montes, is a Peruvian actress and model based in Miami, Florida. Known for her performance in series as El Señor de los Cielos, La Piloto, and Papá a toda madre.

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Verónica Sánchez

Verónica Sánchez Calderón
First Name Verónica
Last Name Sánchez
Born on July 1, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Verónica Sánchez Calderón is a Spanish actress. She made her debut in theatre in 1996, and came to media attention as Eva Capdevila in the Telecinco series Los Serrano in 2003. Sánchez has since developed a successful film career. So far, she has earned three Goya Award nominations, for Al sur de Granada, Camarón and Gordos, and an ACE Award nomination for Al sur de Granada.

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Verónica Echegui

First Name Verónica
Last Name Echegui
Born on June 16, 1983 (age 41)

Verónica Fernández Echegaray, known professionally as Verónica Echegui, is a Spanish actress. She has been nominated for three Goya Awards.

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Verónica Boquete

First Name Verónica
Last Name Boquete
Born on April 9, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Verónica "Vero" Boquete Giadans is a Spanish footballer who plays as a forward or midfielder for Italian Serie A club AC Milan. As well as in her native Spain, she has played professionally for clubs in the United States, Russia, Sweden, France, Germany, China, and Italy. She captained the Spain national team at their first World Cup appearance in 2015 and has also captained the Galicia national team for their entire history.

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Veronica Escobar

First Name Veronica
Last Name Escobar
Born on September 15, 1969 (age 54)

Veronica Escobar is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Texas's 16th congressional district since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, she served as an El Paso County Commissioner from 2007 to 2011 and the El Paso County Judge from 2011 until 2017.

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Verónica Romero

Verónica Romero Sotoca
First Name Verónica
Last Name Romero
Born on July 18, 1978 (age 46)

Verónica Romero Sotoca, also known as Veronica Romeo, is a Spanish singer who rose to fame in 2001 after appearing on the reality singing contest Operación Triunfo, in which she finished in sixth place. Among the songs she performed on the program were "You'd Better Stop", "Un-break My Heart" and "One Day I'll Fly Away".

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