List of Famous people named Tan

Similar names: Tanya, Tania, Tian, Tana, Tani, Thanya, Tiana, Teyana, Tanoai, Tahnee, Tianna, Tane, Tanni, Tanio, Tano, Tanay, Than, Thane, Tanie, Tiaan. Here are some famous Tans:

Tan France

Tanveer Wasim Safdar
First Name Tan
Last Name France
Born on April 20, 1983 (age 41)

Tanveer Wasim "Tan" France is a British-Pakistani-American fashion designer, television personality, and author. He is one of the very first openly gay South Asian men on a major show and one of the first openly gay Muslim men on western television as the fashion expert for the Netflix series Queer Eye, host of the web series Dressing Funny, and co-host of Next In Fashion. His memoir, Naturally Tan, was released in June 2019.

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Tan Songyun

First Name Tan
Last Name Songyun
Born on May 31, 1990 (age 34)

Tan Songyun, also known as Seven, is a Chinese actress. She is best known for her roles in television series The Whirlwind Girl (2015), With You (2016), The Fox's Summer (2017), Under The Power (2019), and Go Ahead (2020).

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Tan See Leng

First Name Tan
Last Name Leng
Born on December 24, 1964 (age 59)

Tan See Leng is a Singaporean politician, business executive, medical practitioner and entrepreneur. A member is the governing party People's Action Party, he was appointed as the Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

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Tan Malaka

First Name Tan
Last Name Malaka
Born on June 2, 1897
Died on February 19, 1949 (aged 51)

Tan Malaka was a teacher, Indonesian philosopher, founder of Struggle Union and Murba Party, independent guerrilla, Indonesian fighter, and Indonesian national hero. Tempo credited him as Father of the Republic of Indonesia.

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Tan Cheng Bock

First Name Tan
Last Name Bock
Born on April 26, 1940 (age 84)

Adrian Tan Cheng Bock is a Singaporean politician, medical doctor and was a candidate for the 2011 presidential election. He is the founder and first secretary-general of the Progress Singapore Party (PSP).

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Tan Wee Kiong

First Name Tan
Last Name Kiong
Born on May 21, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Malaysia, Johor

Tan Wee Kiong is a Malaysian professional badminton player in the doubles event. He began partnership with his current partner, Goh V Shem at the 2014 Thomas Cup. Together, Tan and Goh won the gold medal in the men's doubles and the mixed team event at the 2014 Commonwealth Games. They also won bronze at the 2014 Asian Games. In their Olympic debut at the 2016 Rio Olympics, they won the silver medal, becoming the first Malaysian pair to achieve such a feat since 1996. In November 2016, they reached a career-high ranking of world number 1, making them the fourth ever Malaysian men's doubles pair to do so, after Cheah Soon Kit and Yap Kim Hock, Chan Chong Ming and Chew Choon Eng, and Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong.

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Tan Zhuo

First Name Tan
Last Name Zhuo
Born on September 25, 1983 (age 40)

Tan Zhuo is a Chinese television and film actress. She appeared in the films Spring Fever, Dying to Survive and the 2018 TV series Story of Yanxi Palace.

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Tan Weiwei

First Name Tan
Last Name Weiwei

Tan Weiwei, also known as Sitar Tan, is a Chinese singer and actress.

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Tan Boon Heong

First Name Tan
Last Name Heong
Born on September 18, 1987 (age 36)
Born in Malaysia, Kedah

Tan Boon Heong is a former World No.1 Malaysian professional badminton player in the men's doubles event.

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Tan Jing

First Name Tan
Last Name Jing
Born on September 11, 1977 (age 46)

Tan Jing is a solo singer in the CPC Central Military Commission Political Department Song and Dance Troupe and a first class national actress. Her music blends bel canto, Chinese national music (Guoyue), and popular singing styles. She has been dubbed "The Voice of Harmony" for her efforts to spread Chinese music, culture, and goodwill through her professional and philanthropic contributions.

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