List of Famous people named Takatsukasa

Here are some famous Takatsukasas:

Toshimichi Takatsukasa

First Name Toshimichi
Last Name Takatsukasa
Born on August 26, 1923
Died on January 27, 1966 (aged 42)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Toshimichi Takatsukasa , son of Duke Nobusuke, was a Japanese researcher of trains. He was a descendant of Tokugawa Yoshinao and consequently was born into an aristocratic family, but, like all Japanese aristocrats, lost his title with the post-war legal reforms of 1947. He worked at TEI Park, a railroad museum in Tokyo. He married the third daughter of Emperor Hirohito, Princess Kazuko; they adopted a son from Ogyū-Matsudaira, Naotake.

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Takatsukasa Masamichi

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Masamichi
Born on August 22, 1789
Died on November 29, 1868 (aged 79)

Takatsukasa Masamichi , son of regent Masahiro, was a Kugyō or Japanese court noble of the late Edo and the late Tokugawa shogunate periods. He held the regent position of kampaku from 1823–1856. In 1856, at the Ansei Purge, he was prosecuted and later became a priest. Sukehiro was his son who he had with a daughter of the seventh head of Mito Domain Tokugawa Harutoshi. One of his daughters married the thirteenth head of Tokushima Domain Hachisuka Narihiro.

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Takatsukasa Masahiro

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Masahiro
Born on May 14, 1761
Died on March 29, 1841 (aged 79)

Takatsukasa Masahiro , son of regent Sukehira, was a Kugyō or Japanese court noble of the Edo period (1603–1868). He held a regent position kampaku from 1795-1814. Masahiro's son, Masamichi, was born to a daughter of the eleventh head of Tokushima Domain, Hachisuka Shigeyoshi.

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Takatsukasa Sukehiro

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Sukehiro
Born on December 5, 1807
Died on November 19, 1878 (aged 70)

Takatsukasa Sukehiro , son of regent Masamichi, was a kugyō or Japanese court noble of the late Tokugawa shogunate and early Meiji periods. He held a regent position kampaku in 1863. After his biological son Sukemasa died young, he adopted a son of Kujō Hisatada, Hiromichi. In August 1872 he retired, and in November 1878 he died at age 72.

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Takatsukasa Norihira

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Norihira
Born on February 14, 1609
Died on November 7, 1668 (aged 59)
Born in Japan

Takatsukasa Norihira , son of Nobuhisa, was a kugyo or Japanese court noble of the early Edo period (1603–1868). He did not hold regent positions kampaku and sessho. The regent Takatsukasa Fusasuke was his son. His other son Kujō Kaneharu was adopted by the Kujō family. His daughter Takatsukasa Nobuko married the fifth shōgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.

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Takatsukasa Hideko

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Hideko
Born on October 8, 1823
Died on July 10, 1848 (aged 24)
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Takatsukasa Hiromichi

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Hiromichi
Born on April 2, 1855
Died on May 17, 1918 (aged 63)

Takatsukasa Hiromichi , son of Kujō Hisatada and adopted son of Takatsukasa Sukehiro, was a kazoku Duke of the Meiji period who served in Imperial Japanese Army. Nobusuke and Nobuhiro were his sons.

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Takatsukasa Fusasuke

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Fusasuke
Born on June 22, 1637
Died on March 1, 1700 (aged 62)

Takatsukasa Fusasuke , son of Norihira, was a Kugyō or Japanese court noble of the early Edo period (1603–1868). He held regent positions sesshō and kampaku. Kanehiro and Sukenobu were his sons who he had with a daughter of the second head of the Chōshū Domain Mōri Hidenari.

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Takatsukasa Sukehira

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Sukehira
Born on March 17, 1739
Died on February 8, 1813 (aged 73)

Takatsukasa Sukehira , adopted son of Mototeru, was a kugyō or Japanese court noble of the Edo period (1603–1868). He held a regent position kampaku from 1787-1791. Masahiro was his son who he had with a daughter of the eighth head of Chōshū Domain Mori Shigetaka. Additionally, he was a grandson of Emperor Higashiyama and thus a paternal uncle of Emperor Kōkaku.

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Takatsukasa Nobuhisa

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Nobuhisa
Born on January 1, 1590
Died on January 1, 1621 (aged 31)

Takatsukasa Nobuhisa , son of Nobufusa and Sassa Teruko, the daughter of Sassa Narimasa, was a kugyo or Japanese court noble of the early Edo period (1603–1868). He held a regent position kampaku from 1612 to 1615. Norihira was his son.

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