List of Famous people named Stian

Similar names: Stan, Stana, Stany, Stane. Here are some famous Stians:

Stian Rode Gregersen

First Name Stian
Born on May 17, 1995 (age 29)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Stian Rode Gregersen is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Ligue 1 club Bordeaux and the Norway national team.

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Stian Barsnes Simonsen

First Name Stian
Born on April 20, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Norway, Vestland

Stian Barsnes-Simonsen is a Norwegian actor and television host of Amigo, Midt i smørøyet and Melodi Grand Prix.

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Stian Remme

First Name Stian
Born on June 4, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Norway, Vestland

Stian Remme is a Norwegian former professional racing cyclist.

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Stian Johannsen

First Name Stian
Born on October 12, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Norway, Viken

Stian Johansen is a Norwegian musician known under the stage names Occultus, Cultoculus and Culto Prietsu, among others. He is the vocalist in the black metal bands Thyabhorrent and Perdition Hearse. He was also briefly the vocalist and bassist for the black metal band Mayhem for some months in 1991 after the suicide of previous singer Per Yngve "Dead" Ohlin. During this time, he was one of the co-founders of the infamous record store Helvete ("hell") in Oslo - an important meeting place for many in the Norwegian black metal scene at the time.

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Stian Sommerseth

First Name Stian
Born on May 24, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Norway, Innlandet
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