List of Famous people named Saionji

Here are some famous Saionjis:

Saionji Kinmochi

First Name Saionji
Born on October 23, 1849
Died on November 24, 1940 (aged 91)

Prince Saionji Kinmochi was a Japanese politician, statesman and twice Prime Minister of Japan. He was elevated from marquis to prince in 1920. As the last surviving member of Japan's genrō, he was the most influential voice in Japanese politics from the mid-1920s to the early 1930s.

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Saionji Shōshi

First Name Saionji
Born on November 30, 1270
Died on June 10, 1342 (aged 71)

Eifuku Mon'in (永福門院) or Saionji Shōshi was a celebrated Japanese poet of the Kamakura period, and a consort of the 92nd emperor, Fushimi. She was a member of the Kyōgoku school of verse , and her work appears in the Gyokuyōshū.

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Saionji Saneuji

First Name Saionji
Born on November 30, 1193
Died on July 7, 1269 (aged 75)

Saionji Saneuji was a waka poet and Japanese nobleman active in the early Kamakura period. He is designated as a member of the New Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry .

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Saionji Kinkazu

First Name Saionji
Born on November 1, 1906
Died on April 22, 1993 (aged 86)
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