List of Famous people named Rosamund

Similar names: Rosamunde. Here are some famous Rosamunds:

Rosamund Pike

Rosamund Mary Ellen Pike
First Name Rosamund
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Rosamund Mary Ellen Pike(born 27 January 1979) is a British actress. Her accolades include Primetime Emmy Award and Academy Award nomination.

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Rosamund Kwan

First Name Rosamund
Born on September 24, 1962 (age 61)

Rosamund Kwan Chi Lam, is a former Hong Kong actress, best known for starring as the female lead "Thirteenth Aunt" in the 1990s Once Upon a Time in China film series. She had since retired from acting in 2007.

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Rosamund Mundy

First Name Rosamund
Died on January 3, 1883
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Rosamund Elizabeth Lees

First Name Rosamund
Born on August 16, 1921 (age 102)
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Rosamund Clifford

First Name Rosamund
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on January 1, 1176 (aged 26)

Rosamund Clifford, often called "The Fair Rosamund" or the "Rose of the World", was famed for her beauty and was a mistress of King Henry II of England, famous in English folklore.

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Rosamund Mary Hare

First Name Rosamund
Born on January 1, 1968 (age 56)
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Rosamund Iseulte Mary Honywood

First Name Rosamund
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Rosamund Beatrice Fremantle

First Name Rosamund
Born on March 17, 1902 (age 122)
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Rosamund Lavington Barbour

First Name Rosamund
Born on January 17, 1918
Died on February 17, 2015 (aged 97)
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Rosamund Anne Hambro

First Name Rosamund
Born on September 27, 1939 (age 84)
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