List of Famous people named Rock

Similar names: Rocky, Roque, Roky, Roch, Rrok, Rok. Here are some famous Rocks:

Rock Hudson

Roy Harold Scherer Jr.
First Name Rock
Last Name Hudson
Born on November 17, 1925
Died on October 2, 1985 (aged 59)
Height 196 cm | 6'5

Rock Hudson was an American actor. One of the most popular movie stars of his time, Hudson's screen career spanned four decades. A prominent heartthrob of the Golden Age of Hollywood, he achieved stardom with his role in Magnificent Obsession (1954), followed by All That Heaven Allows (1955), and Giant (1956), for which he received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actor. Hudson also found continued success with a string of romantic comedies co-starring Doris Day: Pillow Talk (1959), Lover Come Back (1961), and Send Me No Flowers (1964). During the late 1960s, his films included Seconds (1966), Tobruk (1967), and Ice Station Zebra (1968). Unhappy with the film scripts he was offered, Hudson turned to television and was a hit, starring in the popular mystery series McMillan & Wife (1971–1977). His last role was as a guest star on the fifth season (1984–1985) of the primetime ABC soap opera Dynasty, until AIDS-related illness made it impossible for him to continue.

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Rock Ya-Sin

First Name Rock
Last Name Ya-Sin
Born on May 23, 1996 (age 28)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Abdurrahman Ibn "Rock" Ya-Sin is an American football cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Presbyterian, before transferring to Temple. He was drafted by the Colts in the second round of the 2019 NFL Draft.

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Rock Demers

First Name Rock
Last Name Demers
Died on August 17, 2021 (aged 51)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Rock Demers, is a Canadian film producer.

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Rock Feilding-Mellen

First Name Rock
Last Name Feilding-Mellen
Born on April 10, 1979 (age 45)
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Rock Iwasaki

First Name Rock
Last Name Iwasaki
Born on November 28, 1951
Died on April 21, 2005 (aged 53)
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Rock Hsu

First Name Rock
Last Name Hsu
Born on September 30, 1943 (age 81)
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