List of Famous people named Reto

Name Reto is among the most common names in Switzerland. Similar names: Rita, Rhett, Ritt, Reita, Reta, Riitta, Reet. Here are some famous Retos:

Reto Ziegler

First Name Reto
Born on January 16, 1986 (age 39)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Reto Pirmin Ziegler is a Swiss professional footballer who plays as a left-back for Swiss Super League club FC Lugano.

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Reto Hug

First Name Reto
Born on January 24, 1975 (age 49)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Reto Hug is a former athlete from Switzerland, who competed in the triathlon.

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Reto Hänny

First Name Reto
Born on April 13, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Switzerland, Grisons
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Reto Hollenstein

First Name Reto
Born on August 22, 1985 (age 39)
Height 197 cm | 6'6

Reto Hollenstein is a Swiss racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Israel Start-Up Nation. He rode in the 2014 Tour de France.

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