List of Famous people named Raj

Similar names: Raja, Rajai, Raaj, Rajae. Here are some famous Rajs:

Raj Kundra

First Name Raj
Last Name Kundra
Born on September 9, 1975 (age 49)

Raj Kundra is a British businessman. In 2004, he was ranked as the 198th richest British Asian by Success (magazine). His father, Bal Krishan Kundra was a middle-class businessman and his mother Usha Rani Kundra was a shop assistant when he was a child. Kundra has had various investment interests, including both cricket and mixed martial arts. He is married to Shilpa Shetty, a Bollywood actress, since 2009.

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Raj Thackeray

First Name Raj
Last Name Thackeray
Born on June 14, 1968 (age 56)
Born in India

Raj Shrikant Thackeray is an Indian politician and chairperson of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), a regional political party. He is the nephew of Bal Thackeray; and a cousin of Shiv Sena chief and the 19th and current Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray.

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Raj Shah

First Name Raj
Last Name Shah
Born on November 30, 1983 (age 41)

Raj Shah is a Republican political aide who served as the White House Deputy Press Secretary and Deputy Assistant to the President from 2017 to 2019. Prior to joining the Trump Administration, Shah was in charge of opposition research at the Republican National Committee. In July 2019, Fox Corporation announced he had joined the company as a senior vice president.

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Raj Babbar

First Name Raj
Last Name Babbar
Born on June 23, 1952 (age 72)
Born in India

Raj Babbar is an Indian Hindi and Punjabi film actor and politician belonging to Indian National Congress. three-time member of the Lok Sabha and a two-time member of the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. He was the President of Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee.

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Raj Kapoor

First Name Raj
Last Name Kapoor
Born on August 10, 1959 (age 65)
Born in India

Raj Kapoor is an Born: Indian Tamil film Director who has directed multiple Tamil language films, notably Uthama Raasa, Kusthi, Aval Varuvala and also Nandhini serial. He introduced cinematic techniques in his Tamil serial Nandini causing a huge hype in south Indian film industry. He has also appeared as a supporting actor in Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu films.

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Raj Chetty

First Name Raj
Last Name Chetty
Born on August 4, 1979 (age 45)
Born in India, Delhi

Nadarajan "Raj" Chetty is an Indian-born American economist and the William A. Ackman Professor of Public Economics at Harvard University. Some of Chetty's recent papers have studied equality of opportunity in the United States and the long-term impact of teachers on students' performance. Offered tenure at the age of 28, Chetty became one of the youngest tenured faculty in the history of Harvard's economics department. He is a recipient of the John Bates Clark Medal and a 2012 MacArthur Fellow. Currently, he is also an advisory editor of the Journal of Public Economics. In 2020, he was awarded the Infosys Prize in Economics, the most prestigious award that recognizes achievements in science and research, in India.

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Raj Veeran

First Name Raj
Last Name Veeran
Born on July 10, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Malaysia
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Raj Reddy

First Name Raj
Last Name Reddy
Born on June 13, 1937 (age 87)
Born in India

Dabbala Rajagopal "Raj" Reddy is an Indian-American computer scientist and a winner of the Turing Award. He is one of the early pioneers of Artificial Intelligence and has served on the faculty of Stanford and Carnegie Mellon for over 50 years. He was the founding director of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He was instrumental in helping to create Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies in India, to cater to the educational needs of the low-income, gifted, rural youth. He is the chairman of International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad. He is the first person of Asian origin to receive the ACM Turing Award, in 1994, known as the Nobel Prize of Computer Science, for his work in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Raj Popat

First Name Raj
Last Name Popat
Born on June 17, 1986 (age 38)

Raj Popat is a Welsh male badminton player. In 2007 and 2012, he won the Welsh National Badminton Championships in men's singles event.

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