List of Famous people named Princess

Similar names: Princesse. Here are some famous Princesses:

Mako Komuro

First Name Mako
Last Name Komuro
Born on October 23, 1991 (age 33)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Mako Komuro , formerly Princess Mako , is the first child and elder daughter of Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko, and a former member of the Japanese imperial family. She is the niece of Emperor Naruhito, and is the eldest grandchild of Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko. She married Kei Komuro, a lawyer, on 26 October 2021. As a result of her marriage, she gave up her imperial title and left the imperial family, as required by the Imperial Household Law.

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Princess Beatrice

Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York
First Name Princess
Last Name Beatrice
Born on August 8, 1988 (age 36)

Princess Beatrice, Mrs Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi is a member of the British royal family. She is the elder daughter of Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and Sarah, Duchess of York. She is ninth in line of succession to the British throne, followed by her sister, Princess Eugenie. She married Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, a property developer, in 2020 she is the aunt of Arthur Brooksbank son of her sister Princess Eugenie of York Brooksbank and Jack Brooksbank

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Princess Kako of Akishino

First Name Princess
Last Name Akishino
Born on December 29, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Princess Kako of Akishino is the second daughter of Prince Fumihito and Princess Kiko, and a member of the Japanese Imperial Family. She is the niece of Emperor Naruhito and the second-eldest grandchild of Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko.

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Princess Eugenie

Eugenie Victoria Helena of York
First Name Princess
Last Name Eugenie
Born on March 23, 1990 (age 34)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Princess Eugenie, Mrs Jack Brooksbank is a member of the British royal family. She is the younger daughter of Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and Sarah, Duchess of York. She is tenth in the line of succession to the British throne, after her elder sister, Princess Beatrice. She married Jack Brooksbank, a brand ambassador, in 2018.

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Princess Charlotte of Wales

Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge
First Name Princess
Last Name Wales
Born on May 2, 2015 (age 9)

Princess Charlotte of Wales is a member of the British royal family. She is the second child and only daughter of William, Prince of Wales, and Catherine, Princess of Wales. She is third in the line of succession to the British throne.

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Princess Haya bint Al Hussein

First Name Princess
Last Name Hussein
Born on May 3, 1974 (age 50)

Princess Haya bint Hussein is the daughter of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife Queen Alia, and the half-sister of King Abdullah II.

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Princess Märtha of Sweden

Prinsessan Märtha Sofia Lovisa Dagmar Thyra av Sverige
First Name Princess
Last Name Sweden
Born on March 28, 1901
Died on April 5, 1954 (aged 53)

Princess Märtha of Sweden was Crown Princess of Norway as the spouse of the future King Olav V from 1929 until her death in 1954. The presently reigning King Harald V is her only son. Märtha was also a sister of Queen Astrid of Belgium, and a maternal aunt of Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxembourg, King Baudouin of Belgium and King Albert II of Belgium.

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Princess Nina, Princess Philippos of Greece and Denmark

Nina Nastassja Flohr
First Name Princess
Last Name Denmark
Born on January 22, 1987 (age 38)

Princess Nina of Greece and Denmark is a Swiss businesswoman. She is a member of the Greek royal family and the Danish royal family as the wife of Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark, son of Constantine II of Greece. Princess Nina is the founder and creative director of the Kisawa Sanctuary and the founder of the Bazaruto Center for Scientific Studies, both located in Benguerra Island, Mozambique. She previously worked as the creative director of VistaJet, a luxury private airline company.

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Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy

Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel of Kent
First Name Princess
Last Name Ogilvy
Born on December 25, 1936 (age 88)

Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, is a member of the British royal family.

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Princess Michael of Kent

Marie Christine Anna Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz
First Name Princess
Last Name Kent
Born on January 15, 1945 (age 80)

Princess Michael of Kent is a member of the British royal family of German, Austrian, and Hungarian noble descent. She is married to Prince Michael of Kent, a grandson of King George V. Princess Michael was an interior designer before becoming an author; she has written several books on European royalty. She does lecture tours as well as supporting her husband in his public duties.

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