List of Famous people named Paddy

Often it's a shorthand for Patrick. Similar names: Patrick, Paddi. Here are some famous Paddys:

Paddy McGuinness

First Name Paddy
Born on August 14, 1973 (age 50)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Patrick Joseph McGuinness is an English comedian, actor and television presenter. McGuinness rose to fame with the help of Peter Kay, who invited him to appear in his programmes That Peter Kay Thing, Phoenix Nights and Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere. He is best known for his roles within Channel 4, ITV and the BBC presenting game shows such as Take Me Out as well as, since 2019, being one of the three hosts of BBC's Top Gear.

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Paddy Moloney

First Name Paddy
Born on August 1, 1938
Died on October 12, 2021 (aged 83)
Born in Ireland

Paddy Moloney is an Irish musician, composer, and producer who is the founder and leader of the Irish musical group The Chieftains and has played on every one of their albums.

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Paddy Madden

Patrick Stephen Madden
First Name Paddy
Born on March 4, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Ireland
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Patrick Stephen Madden is an Irish footballer who plays as a striker for National League club Stockport County.

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Paddy Considine

First Name Paddy
Born on September 5, 1973 (age 50)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Patrick George Considine is an English actor, director, screenwriter, and musician. He is particularly known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and emotionally vulnerable characters and is also noted for his frequent collaborations with filmmaker and director Shane Meadows. He came to prominence in the early 2000s with a string of performances in independent films that prompted The Observer to describe him as "the best-kept secret in British movies" and as a result brought him comparisons to Sam Rockwell. He has received many awards and nominations, including two British Academy Film Awards, three Evening Standard British Film Awards, British Independent Film Awards and a Silver Lion for Best Short Film at the 2007 Venice Film Festival.

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Paddy Ashdown

Jeremy John Durham Ashdown
First Name Paddy
Born on February 27, 1941
Died on December 22, 2018 (aged 77)
Born in India, Delhi

Jeremy John Durham Ashdown, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon,, known as Paddy Ashdown, was a British politician and diplomat who served as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 1988 to 1999. He achieved international recognition for his role as High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2002 to 2006, following his vigorous lobbying for military action against Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

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Paddy Mayne

First Name Paddy
Died on December 14, 1955

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Blair "Paddy" Mayne, was a British Army soldier from Newtownards, capped for Ireland and the British Lions at rugby union, lawyer, amateur boxer and a founding member of the Special Air Service (SAS).

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Paddy McNair

Patrick James Coleman McNair
First Name Paddy
Born on April 27, 1995 (age 29)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Patrick James Coleman McNair is a Northern Irish professional footballer who plays as a defender or a midfielder for Championship club Middlesbrough and the Northern Ireland national team.

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Paddy Murphy

First Name Paddy
Born on January 1, 1895
Died on January 1, 1973 (aged 78)

Kanso Yoshida was a Japanese-born British seaman who was related to Japanese Emperor Hirohito by marriage. He was a resident of England for most of his life, specifically in Liverpool from 1938.

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Paddy Roy Bates

First Name Paddy
Born on August 29, 1921
Died on October 9, 2012 (aged 91)

Patrick "Paddy" Roy Bates was a British pirate radio broadcaster and micronationalist, who founded the unrecognised Principality of Sealand. He was a major in the British Army during World War II.

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Paddy Reid

First Name Paddy
Born on March 17, 1924
Died on January 8, 2016 (aged 91)

Patrick "Paddy" Joseph Reid was an Irish dual-code rugby centre. Reid played club rugby under the rugby union code for Garryowen, and played international rugby for Ireland, and was part of the Grand Slam winning team of 1948. The following season, he switched codes, joining professional rugby league club Huddersfield, before ending his league career with Halifax.

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