List of Famous people named Nneka

Similar names: Nick, Nikki, Nicky, Niki, Nicki, Nik, Niko, Nika, Neko, Nikko, Nichi, Nikka, Nicko, Nike, Niky, Niek. Here are some famous Nnekas:

Nneka Ogwumike

Nnemkadi Chinwe Victoria Ogwumike

Nnemkadi Chinwe Victoria "Nneka" Ogwumike is a Nigerian-American basketball player for the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA), after being drafted No. 1 overall in the 2012 WNBA Draft. Soon after being drafted, Ogwumike signed an endorsement deal with Nike. She is the older sister of Chiney Ogwumike, who also plays for the Sparks. Ogwumike was named WNBA MVP for the 2016 WNBA season; as well as winning the WNBA Finals that year in 2016.

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