List of Famous people named Nicaea

Similar names: Nick, Nikki, Nicky, Niki, Nicki, Nik, Niko, Nika, Neko, Nneka, Nikko, Nichi, Nikka, Nicko, Nike, Niky, Niek. Here are some famous Nicaeas:

Nicaea of Macedon

First Name Nicaea
Born on January 1, -0400
Died on November 30, -0303 (aged 96)

Nicaea was a Greek Macedonian noblewoman and was a daughter of the powerful regent Antipater. Her mother's name is unknown. She was born and raised in Macedonia while her father was governor of Macedonia during the reign of Greek King Alexander the Great.

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Nicaea of Corinth

First Name Nicaea
Born on January 1, -0300 (age 2324)

Nicaea, was the spouse of Alexander of Corinth and queen of Macedon as the spouse of Demetrius II of Macedon.

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