List of Famous people named Naum

Here are some famous Naums:

Naum Kleiman

First Name Naum
Last Name Kleiman
Born on December 1, 1937 (age 86)

Naum Kleiman is an historian of cinema, Russian film critic, specialist in Sergei Eisenstein, former manager of the Moscow State Central Cinema Museum, Eisenstein-Centre director, actor and filmmaker. He was a member of the jury at the 43rd Berlin International Film Festival in 1993 and a member of the jury at the Venice Film Festival in 1991. He is a FIPRESCI laureate.

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Naum Gabo

First Name Naum
Last Name Gabo
Born on August 5, 1890
Died on August 23, 1977 (aged 87)

Naum Gabo, born Naum Neemia Pevsner, was an influential sculptor, theorist, and key figure in Russia's post-Revolution avant-garde and the subsequent development of twentieth-century sculpture. His work combined geometric abstraction with a dynamic organization of form in small reliefs and constructions, monumental public sculpture and pioneering kinetic works that assimilated new materials such as nylon, wire, lucite and semi-transparent materials, glass and metal. Responding to the scientific and political revolutions of his age, Gabo led an eventful and peripatetic life, moving to Berlin, Paris, Oslo, Moscow, London, and finally the United States, and within the circles of the major avant-garde movements of the day, including Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, the Bauhaus, de Stijl and the Abstraction-Création group. Two preoccupations, unique to Gabo, were his interest in representing negative space—"released from any closed volume" or mass—and time. He famously explored the former idea in his Linear Construction works (1942-1971)—used nylon filament to create voids or interior spaces as "concrete" as the elements of solid mass—and the latter in his pioneering work, Kinetic Sculpture (1920), often considered the first kinetic work of art.

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Naum Meiman

First Name Naum
Last Name Meiman
Born on May 12, 1912
Died on March 31, 2001 (aged 88)

Naum Natanovich Meiman was a Soviet mathematician, and dissident. He is known for his work in complex analysis, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics, as well as for his dissident activity, in particular, for being a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group.

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Naum Akhiezer

First Name Naum
Last Name Akhiezer
Born on March 6, 1901
Died on June 3, 1980 (aged 79)

Naum Ilyich Akhiezer was a Soviet and Ukrainian mathematician of Jewish origin, known for his works in approximation theory and the theory of differential and integral operators. He is also known as the author of classical books on various subjects in analysis, and for his work on the history of mathematics. He is the brother of the theoretical physicist Aleksander Akhiezer.

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Naum Naumov-Strazh

First Name Naum
Last Name Naumov-Strazh
Born on July 20, 1898
Died on October 16, 1957 (aged 59)
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Naum Z. Shor

First Name Naum
Last Name Shor
Born on January 1, 1937
Died on February 26, 2006 (aged 69)
Born in Ukraine

Naum Zuselevich Shor was a Soviet and Ukrainian mathematician specializing in optimization.

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Naum Alves de Sousa

First Name Naum
Last Name Sousa
Born on June 1, 1942
Died on April 10, 2016 (aged 73)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Naum Vilenkin

First Name Naum
Last Name Vilenkin
Born on October 30, 1920
Died on October 19, 1991 (aged 70)
Born in Russia

Naum Yakovlevich Vilenkin, Russian: Наум Яковлевич Виленкин, was a Soviet mathematician, an expert in representation theory, the theory of special functions, functional analysis, and combinatorics. He is best known as the author of many books in recreational mathematics aimed at middle and high school students.

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