List of Famous people named Nasser

Similar names: Nasir, Nassir, Nazir, Naser, Nazyr. Here are some famous Nassers:

Nasser Al-Khelaifi

First Name Nasser
Last Name Al-Khelaifi
Born on November 12, 1973 (age 50)
Born in Qatar, Ad Dawhah

Nasser bin Ghanim Al-Khelaifi is a Qatari businessman and is the chairman of beIN Media Group, chairman of Qatar Sports Investments, president of Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), and Qatar Tennis Federation (QTF) and vice president of the Asian Tennis Federation for West Asia (ATF).

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Nasser Al-Kharafi

First Name Nasser
Last Name Al-Kharafi
Born on June 17, 1943
Died on April 17, 2011 (aged 67)

Nasser Al-Kharafi was a Kuwaiti businessman of M. A. Kharafi & Sons.

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Nasser Hussain

First Name Nasser
Last Name Hussain
Born on March 28, 1968 (age 56)
Born in India

Nasser Hussain is a British cricket commentator and former cricketer who captained the England cricket team between 1999 and 2003, with his overall international career extending from 1990 to 2004. A pugnacious right-handed batsman, Hussain scored over 30,000 runs from more than 650 matches across all first-class and List-A cricket, including 62 centuries. His highest Test score of 207, scored in the first Test of the 1997 Ashes at Edgbaston, was described by Wisden as "touched by genius". He played 96 Test matches and 88 One Day International games in total. In Tests he scored 5,764 runs, and he took 67 catches, fielding predominantly in the second slip and gully.

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Nasser Al-Qasabi

First Name Nasser
Last Name Al-Qasabi
Born on November 28, 1961 (age 62)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Nasser bin Qassim Al Qasabi is a Saudi Arabian actor. He started his acting career in 1984 and is known for his various roles in the series No Big Deal. In 2012, Nasser became one of the three judges on the television series Arabs Got Talent.

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Nasser El Sonbaty

First Name Nasser
Last Name Sonbaty
Born on October 15, 1965
Died on March 20, 2013 (aged 47)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Nasser El Sonbaty was an IFBB professional bodybuilder. He represented FR Yugoslavia at competitions.

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Nasser Bourita

First Name Nasser
Last Name Bourita
Born on May 27, 1969 (age 55)

Nasser Bourita is a Moroccan diplomat serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation since 5 April 2017.

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Nasser Al-Dawsari

First Name Nasser
Last Name Al-Dawsari
Born on December 19, 1998 (age 25)

Nasser Al-Dawsari is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Al Hilal.

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Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

First Name Nasser
Last Name Al-Sabah
Born on April 27, 1948
Died on December 20, 2020 (aged 72)

Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah was the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Kuwait, and before that the head of the royal court in 2006–17. Sheikh Nasser was the eldest son of the ruler or Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah (1929–2020). He was seen as the main driving force behind "Silk City", one of Kuwait's mega projects with investments estimated at more than US$100 billion.

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Nasser bin Abdulaziz

First Name Nasser
Last Name Abdulaziz
Died on September 15, 1984 (aged 14)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Nasser bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was one of the former Riyadh governors and a member of House of Saud.

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Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa

First Name Nasser
Last Name Khalifa
Born on May 8, 1987 (age 37)

Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa is a member of the Bahraini royal family, commander of Bahrain's Royal Guard president of the Bahrain Olympic Committee and the head of the government’s Supreme Council for Youth and Sports. He has been connected to several severe acts of human rights abuses, including personally torturing pro-democracy activists during the Arab Spring protests in Bahrain. He is the third line of the heir apparent of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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