List of Famous people named Muhsin

Here are some famous Muhsins:

Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Yazıcıoğlu
Born on December 31, 1954
Died on March 25, 2009 (aged 54)
Born in Sivas Province

Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu was a Turkish politician and member of the Parliament of Turkey. He was the leader and founder of the Great Union Party (BBP), a right-wing, nationalist-Islamist political party.

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Muhsin Ertuğrul

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Ertuğrul
Born on March 7, 1892
Died on April 29, 1979 (aged 87)

Muhsin Ertuğrul, also known as Ertuğrul Muhsin Bey, was a Turkish actor and director.

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Muhsin al-Hakim

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Al-Hakim
Born on May 31, 1889
Died on June 1, 1970 (aged 81)

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhsin al-Tabatabaei al-Hakim was an Iraqi Shia marja'.

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Muhsin Parari

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Parari
Born on September 23, 1988 (age 35)
Born in India

Muhsin Parari is an Indian film director, writer and lyricist, who works in Malayalam films.

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Muhsin Ertuğral

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Ertuğral
Born on September 15, 1959 (age 65)

Muhsin Ertuğral is a Turkish football coach.

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Muhsin Mahdi

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Mahdi
Born on June 21, 1926
Died on July 9, 2007 (aged 81)

Muḥsin Sayyid Mahdī was an Iraqi-American Islamologist and Arabist. He was a leading authority on Arabian history, philology, and philosophy. His best-known work was the first critical edition of the One Thousand and One Nights.

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Muhsin Batur

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Batur
Born on December 5, 1920
Died on September 25, 1999 (aged 78)
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Muhsin Kızılkaya

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Kızılkaya
Born on January 1, 1963 (age 61)
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Muhsin Alali

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Alali
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 71)
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Muhsin ibn Ali

First Name Muhsin
Last Name Ali
Born on November 30, 0631
Died on November 30, 0631
Born in Saudi Arabia

Muhsin ibn Ali, also spelled Mohsin or Mohsen, was a son of Fatimah bint Muhammad and Ali ibn Abi Talib, and thus a maternal grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

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