List of Famous people named Megha

Similar names: Maggie, Meg, Mage, Mag, Megah, Migo, Maggi, Megg. Here are some famous Meghas:

Megha Akash

First Name Megha
Born on October 26, 1995 (age 29)
Born in India

Megha Akash is an Indian film actress who appears in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi language films. She made her debut in Telugu film Lie in 2017.

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Megha Dhade

First Name Megha
Born on January 1, 1988 (age 37)
Born in India

Megha Dhade is an Indian actress. In 2018, she participated and became the winner of the first season of Bigg Boss Marathi 1 and later participated in Bigg Boss 12 as a wild card contestant.

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Megha Mittal

First Name Megha
Born on November 20, 1976 (age 48)
Born in India

Megha Mittal is the former chairperson and managing director of the German fashion luxury brand Escada. The Mittal family sold its shareholding in Escada to Regent on 4 November 2019.

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