List of Famous people named Marcelle

Similar names: Marcel, Marcello, Marcelo, Marcella, Marcell, Markel, Markelle, Marceli, Marcela. Here are some famous Marcelles:

Marcelle Ferron

First Name Marcelle
Born on January 29, 1924
Died on November 19, 2001 (aged 77)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Marcelle Ferron,, a Canadian Québécoise painter and stained glass artist, was a major figure in the Quebec contemporary art scene, associated with the Automatistes.

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Marcelle Wilhelmine Barones de Smeth

First Name Marcelle
Born on July 8, 1889
Died on August 11, 1960 (aged 71)
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Marcelle Auclair

Marie Gabrielle Marcelle Auclair
First Name Marcelle
Born on November 11, 1899
Died on June 6, 1983 (aged 83)

Marcelle Auclair was a French novelist, biographer, journalist and poet. She published biographies of several important historical figures, translated major historical/literary documents into French from Spanish, and wrote a novel. She also published an autobiographical work, two books on popular psychology, a religious book for children, a book on artistic images of Jesus. Several of her books were translated into English. She was co-founder with Jean Prouvost of the fashion magazine Marie Claire.

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Marcelle de Jouvenel

Marcelle Prat
First Name Marcelle
Born on April 12, 1896
Died on May 20, 1971 (aged 75)
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Marcelle Hertzog-Cachin

First Name Marcelle
Born on October 17, 1911
Died on April 20, 1998 (aged 86)
Born in France, Brittany
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Marcelle Bittar

First Name Marcelle
Born on May 5, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Brazil, Paraná
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Marcelle Bittar de Almeida, better known as Marcelle Bittar, is a Brazilian model of Lebanese descent.

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Marcelle Maurette

First Name Marcelle
Born on November 14, 1909
Died on October 24, 1972 (aged 62)
Born in France, Occitania

Marcelle Maurette (1903–1972) was a French playwright and screenwriter who is particularly well known for her play Anastasia (1952) which brought her international recognition, and inspired a film of the same name. It is not her only play centred on a woman with a tragic story. Many other works of hers feature historical or fictional heroines with dramatic lives. She was honoured with various awards and was a prominent French literary figure.

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Marcelle Tassencourt

Jeanne Béatrice Marie Marcelle Tassencourt
First Name Marcelle
Born on May 28, 1914
Died on December 18, 2001 (aged 87)

Marcelle Tassencourt was a French actress and theatre director.

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Marcelle Napier

First Name Marcelle
Born on May 31, 1910 (age 114)
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Marcelle Capy

Marcelle Marquès
First Name Marcelle
Born on March 26, 1891
Died on January 5, 1962 (aged 70)
Born in France, Normandy

Marcelle Capy is the pseudonym adopted by Marcelle Marquès (1891–1962), a French novelist, journalist, feminist and militant pacifist. She published a number of works from 1916 to 1950, all devoted to her interest in pacifism. She is remembered in particular for her award-winning Des hommes passèrent, published in 1930. As a journalist, she contributed to many papers, especially La Vague which she co-founded in 1918. In the early 1930s, she was an active member of the Ligue internationale des combattants de la paix.

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