List of Famous people named Makino

Similar names: Mekenna, Maiken, Mayken. Here are some famous Makinos:

Makino Nobuaki

First Name Makino
Last Name Nobuaki
Born on November 24, 1861
Died on January 25, 1949 (aged 87)

Count Makino Nobuaki was a Japanese politician and imperial court official. As Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of Japan, Makino served as Emperor Hirohito’s Chief counselor on the monarch’s position in Japanese society and policymaking. In this capacity, he significantly contributed to the militarization of Japanese society by organizing support for ultranationalist groups and swaying Hirohito to sanction the Imperial Army’s unauthorized aggression in China. Even after his retirement in 1935, he remained a close advisor to the throne through the end of World War II.

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Makino Yasunari

First Name Makino
Last Name Yasunari
Born on November 30, 1554
Died on November 30, 1609 (aged 55)
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Makino Suteteko

First Name Makino
Last Name Suteteko
Born on October 14, 1979 (age 44)
Height 163 cm | 5'4
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