List of Famous people named Lally

Similar names: Lalla, Lale, Lali, Lala, Lalo, Lal, Lallo. Here are some famous Lallys:

Lally Weymouth

First Name Lally
Last Name Weymouth
Born on July 3, 1943 (age 81)

Elizabeth Morris "Lally" Graham Weymouth is an American journalist who serves as senior associate editor of the Washington Post. She previously served as special diplomatic correspondent for Newsweek magazine during her family's ownership of the publication.

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Lally Horstmann

Léonie Lizzie Fanny Helene von Schwabach
First Name Lally
Last Name Horstmann
Born on March 17, 1898
Died on August 10, 1954 (aged 56)
Born in Germany
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