List of Famous people named Laila

Similar names: Layla. Here are some famous Lailas:

Laila Ali

Laila Amaria Ali
First Name Laila
Last Name Ali
Born on December 30, 1977 (age 46)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Laila Amaria Ali is an American television personality and retired professional boxer who competed from 1999 to 2007. She is the daughter of Muhammad Ali and is the eighth of her father's nine children. During her career, from which she retired undefeated, she held the WBC, WIBA, IWBF and IBA female super middleweight titles, and the IWBF light heavyweight title.

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Laila Eloui

First Name Laila
Last Name Eloui
Born on January 4, 1952 (age 72)

Laila Ahmed Eloui, sometimes credited as Laila Eloui, Laila Olwy, Laila Elwi, and Laila Elwy, is an Egyptian actress. She has starred in more than 70 movies and has been honored at Egyptian and international festivals with awards for most of her roles. She has also been the head – or member – of several jury committees for local and international festivals. Recently, she has received an award for her lifetime achievements along with Egyptian actress Safia El Emari, South Korean actress Yoon Jeong-hee, American actor Richard Gere, and French actress Juliette Binoche during the opening of the 34th Cairo International Film Festival.

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Laila Rouass

First Name Laila
Last Name Rouass
Born on June 22, 1971 (age 53)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Laila Rouass is a British actress of moroccan origin She is best known for her portrayals of Amber Gates in Footballers' Wives (2004–2006) and Sahira Shah in Holby City. She has also starred in Primeval and Spooks and been a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing, in which she finished fourth.

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Laila Morse

Maureen Oldman
First Name Laila
Last Name Morse
Born on August 1, 1945 (age 78)

Maureen Oldman, known by her stage name Laila Morse, is an English actress. Her roles include Janet in drama film Nil by Mouth (1997) and Mo Harris in BBC One soap opera EastEnders.

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Laila Halme

Laila Sinikka Soppi
First Name Laila
Last Name Halme
Born on March 4, 1934
Died on November 28, 2021 (aged 87)

Laila Sinikka Halme, née Soppi, is a Finnish singer who performed on Eurovision in 1963 with the song "Muistojeni laulu". She landed a tied 13th place with 0 Points.

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Laila Abdallah

First Name Laila
Last Name Abdallah
Born on January 8, 1996 (age 28)

Laila Abdullah Al-Faid is a Lebanese actress living in Kuwait, she is known for her roles in TV series broadcast in Gulf region.

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Laila al-Atrash

First Name Laila
Last Name Al-Atrash
Born on November 30, 1947
Died on October 17, 2021 (aged 73)

Laila al-Atrash is a Palestinian/Jordanian writer and journalist. She is the author of half a dozen novels, one of which was translated into English by Nura Nuwayhid Halwani and Christopher Tingley. Atrash is also noted for her journalism, especially her documentaries on leading figures of Arabic culture. She serves as the President of PEN Jordan.

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Láilá Susanne Vars

Iŋguna Susánna Elle-Márjjá Láilá Susánna
First Name Láilá
Last Name Vars
Born on August 19, 1976 (age 47)

Láilá Susanne Vars is a Norwegian-Sami lawyer and former politician. Elected rector of Sámi University of Applied Sciences 2019-2023. First Sámi women to achieve a PhD in Law. She is former research director at the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution (NHRI). Expert member of the United Nations' Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

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Laila Ghofran

First Name Laila
Last Name Ghofran
Born on March 19, 1961 (age 63)

Jamila Omar Bouamrout, better known as Laila Ghofran is an Arabic singer. She is originally from Morocco and holds Egyptian citizenship.

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Laila Robins

First Name Laila
Last Name Robins
Born on March 14, 1959 (age 65)

Laila Robins is an American stage, film and television actress. She has appeared in films including Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987), Live Nude Girls (1995), True Crime (1999), She's Lost Control (2014), and Eye in the Sky (2015). Her television credits include regular roles on Gabriel's Fire, Homeland, and Murder in the First. More recently, she has had recurring roles as Katarina Rostova in season 7 of The Blacklist and as Grace Mallory in The Boys.

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