List of Famous people named Kylian

Similar names: Kilian, Kellan, Kellyanne, Keelan, Killian. Here are some famous Kylians:

Kylian Mbappé

Kylian Mbappé Lottin
First Name Kylian
Last Name Mbappé
Born on December 20, 1998 (age 25)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Kylian Mbappé Lottin is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and the France national team. Widely considered as one of the best players in the world, he is known for his dribbling, explosive speed, and clinical finishing.

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Kylian Hazard

First Name Kylian
Last Name Hazard
Born on August 5, 1995 (age 28)
Born in Belgium, Wallonia
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Kylian Hazard is a Belgian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Cercle Brugge. He has two older brothers, Eden and Thorgan, and one younger, Ethan, all of whom are footballers.

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